So excited about freedom in making my jams and jellies . . .

I had just finished the jamming season, making 20 different jams and jellies, using the slow cook method and commercial liquid and dry pectin. Yesterday, while at a bookstore in Montreal, Canada, I came across the book, Preserving with Pomona's Pectin. I bought it and just now ordered your pectin product.

I am so very excited about the prospect of so much more freedom in making my jams and jellies. Not only is the reduced sugar a huge plus, the fact that I can keep a quantity of your product on hand indefinitely, without having to run to the store constantly for more boxes of pectin, is also outstanding. With boxes of pectin costing about $6 now, and sugar continuing to rise in price, your product will also cut down significantly on my costs of producing.

I was extremely impressed with the book as a whole. The recipes are wonderful, as I like making my jams and jellies slightly out of the ordinary. I found answers to many questions I had always wondered about (like whether I had to wipe warm water from the lids before placing them on the jars); and I enjoy the way the illustrations are done.

While I am sorely disappointed that I did not know about your product at the beginning of the summer, I really look forward to getting to use it soon.

Sandra Dafler
Montreal, Quebec Canada
October 7, 2013

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